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Tobias and Patty

We are Tobias and Patty from Kentucky

Stay-At-Home Parent? Yes

Adopted Children at home? No

Biological Children at Home? Yes

Pets? Yes

Gender Preference? Either

Ethnic Preferences? All Races/Ethnicities


Occupation: HVAC Service Manager

Education: Associates Degree

Religion: Catholic

Hobbies: Homesteading, Hiking, Camping


Occupation: Stay-at-Home Mom

Education: Some college

Religion: Catholic

Hobbies: Homesteading, Reading, Crafting

We are happy, hopeful, excited, and prayerful and can only imagine that you are feeling a lot of different emotions all at once too. You are doing such a beautiful and selfless thing for your child, know that even when emotions are overwhelming, you are making a courageous and strong decision. We hope that you will get to know us in a way that will help you find the peace that we pray you get.

We are Patty and Tobias and have been married since 2006. We have 7 beautiful, fun, and energetic children at home. Their lives are full of exploring, experimenting, and love. We had our first son when we were young. As our son grew and more kids came along, we wanted something we could all do together. We were looking for activities to expand their minds while teaching them the importance of responsibility and work. We found all of these things in what we now call homesteading. As a family we grow food and flowers, feed and water animals, maintain our home and land, and work as a unit. We spend most of our days together. Our children are learning how to live a life that holds no boundaries. They are learning to be self-sufficient and how to work for what they want. After our chores have been finished, we play hard too. We love board games and baseball, kayaking, hiking, bicycling, movies, and video games, and do these things together. We want our children to be appreciative of all the gifts God gave us, especially the outdoors. We both feel that we came into adulthood without knowledge of generations past. We want our kids to experience a slower more meaningful way of life. We hope that these foundations of faith, family, work, and love will set them up to achieve their dreams. This is what we want for your child too.

After our youngest daughter was born, Patty was advised to not get pregnant again. All of our children were delivered via C-section, and Patty's doctor thought it was too great of a risk to her health and the health of the next baby. After experiencing health issues, Patty had a hysterectomy and we began the process of finding our next adventure. God began calling us to a path of adoption over a year ago and this is where we find ourselves now. We have so much more room in our hearts to raise another child and have more to offer now than we did 15 years ago when we began our parenting journey.

We want you to know that you will always be respected and appreciated when we talk to your child about you. We want you to be the important part of your child's life that you are. We will send pictures and updates and if you’re comfortable, we can set up visits and outings. We will do our best to always make you feel welcomed and appreciated in our family. We will care for your child, we will welcome your baby into a great big family of support and love. We will treasure your baby as the gift from God that he or she is.

Contact Tobias & Patty

  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Lisa, our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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