We are a married couple who found each other later in our 30s. We have been blessed with our son, Damian, who is now at the tail end of his toddler years. Our home provides two caring, hard-working parents that have the means to provide for your child and nurture your child as our own.
We have been trying to grow our family for a few years and have decided on adoption instead of other fertility options. We are familiar with adoption as both of us have been adopted by a parent; however, from a highly different dynamic. Both of our mothers were previously married and, in rough situations, remarried and were adopted by our new fathers. We each grew up in different family dynamics but share the common ground of having half-siblings. Having different fathers from our siblings didn’t impact our upbringing, as we were raised in the same caring household. We appreciate that families can be of different races and still make any child feel like they belong and matter.
In bringing your baby into our home, we will be active parents, teaching them core values of right and wrong. We are an active family and live in Southern California, where we can be outside often. We like going to the beach, hiking, camping, and taking trips to various parks and zoos. We have extended family nearby that we get together with often. Not only will your child have a brother just a few years older, but we have nieces, a nephew, titi’s (aunts), uncles, Granny, and Grandpa that are all very active in our regular routines.
With this all being said, we hope you also become part of our family. We would love for your child to know you. We won’t hide that he or she is adopted. We have an extensive supportive network of family and friends and would love to incorporate you. We will honor your wishes, even if you are still deciding what an ongoing relationship will look like. We can’t imagine being in your situation, but in the same breath, we are glad you are looking to provide your child with the life you desire for them. We look forward to every stage of your child’s life. We look forward to bedtime stories, family days, birthdays, and holidays and being an example and soundboard for navigating your child to be a successful adult.