
Thank you for considering us to raise your baby. We want you to know that God and family are big deals to us. We long to grow our family and thank God for the opportunity to share our profile with you. We also thank God for you and will continue to do so. We don't know your situation or what this feels like for you, but we want you to know that we care. We care and we will be with you on this journey as much as you want us to be.
We are Jeremiah and Janette, and we live on a farm in rural Kansas with our biological son Caleb who is four. We have always had a heart for adoption and are ready and excited to grow our family. We feel we have lots of room in our world and hearts and would love to welcome your child into our home and family. The love and support they would receive will reach far beyond the boundaries of our home. We have an amazing support system in our extended families and are even more blessed to have a tight-knit community around us. As part of our family, your child would be blessed to spend lots of quality time with their grandparents and be known by most when walking down the street of our small town, into the library or at the city pool. We feel safe and will ensure your child is safe and will feel safe too.
Farming is an important part of our story, not only because Jeremiah works on a farm, but we live on the farm as well. Of course, there are benefits and drawbacks for any location and vocation that one may have in regard to raising children, but we value living here where we get to spend a lot of quality time with our family while working from home and managing our own businesses. On a farm, children can safely spend ample time outdoors with activities such as riding bikes, playing in the sand and dirt, as well as being around and learning to care for animals and the land.
We love Jesus and want to teach our children from a Biblical worldview. We will teach our children to exhibit characteristics such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. We are not perfect, nor do we expect our children to be perfect; we believe in grace and forgiveness. We know there will be challenges, but also many good times. We do promise that we will love your child unconditionally and do everything in our power to provide a healthy home, training them up to love and trust God. There are some verses in Psalms that have come to be very meaningful to us as we have planned and prepared to adopt a child. They include this one, “And all the days of my life were written in Your book before any of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:16). We believe this is true for us, for you, and for your child.
We can’t begin to imagine how difficult your decision to choose adoption and then to choose a home for your baby must be. We admire your selfless strength and courage. We can only guess how scary it must be to try to choose a family for your beloved child, but we would be truly honored if you chose us. Regardless, we believe God has a plan for our lives and yours. He brought our family together and has not stopped writing our story. We trust him and look forward to what the future holds. We will welcome you to be as much a part of your child’s life as you would like and are able to. We always want your child to feel connected to both his biological and adoptive families so that they know who they are, where they come from and that they are so very loved. Ultimately, all of our lives will be enriched, stretched, and abundantly more joyful than we can imagine.
Thank you for considering us as you make this difficult decision. We admire you for your bravery. If you decide we are the family that you choose, we will come along side you as we continue this process together and support you and your baby in any way we can. We are forever grateful for you.
Much Love,
Jeremiah, Janette and Caleb