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Patrick and Kimberly

We are Patrick and Kimberly from California

Stay-At-Home Parent? No

Adopted Children at home? No

Biological Children at Home? No

Pets? Yes

Gender Preference? Either

Ethnic Preferences? All Races/Ethnicities


Occupation: Food Service

Education: Some College

Religion: Episcopal

Hobbies: Legos, Paintball, Live theater, Video games


Occupation: Teacher

Education: BA

Religion: Catholic

Hobbies: Reading, Travel, Live theater, Disney


We know you’re making a difficult decision and we have no way of knowing what kind of turmoil you’re going through. We do want you to know that we will always take good care of your baby. 

While we are so excited by the chance to raise a baby and have a family, we can’t express our excitement at the amazing gift you’re considering us for. We haven’t been able to have a family of our own and adopting gives us that chance to be parents. We think of the future taking your child to Disneyland, getting them ready for school, sharing our hobbies and things we like. We can’t wait to see what kind of personality they will have. 

We will be honest with your child about their adoption and share as much as we can with them. We would like to encourage a relationship that you can be comfortable with and we look forward to working with you on that. 

We will encourage your child to try out sports, theater, and/or music. They will love seeing their house decorated at the holidays with things that move and make noise. 

With us, your child will have a wonderful family around them and in their lives for years to come. They will have cousins and many aunts and uncles. They will have two sets of grandparents that can’t wait to meet and spoil them. Their Aunt Sarah will teach them about traditions from Germany, while Aunt Neika will teach them gardening tips. Uncle David will show them the ropes of meat or hunting, and Uncle Michael will keep them in line with the law and playing sports. Cousin Bryson will show them cool toys and how to play. Uncle Thomas and Auntie Shilo will share about Hawaiian/Asian culture. And we will go visit them in Southern California. Aunt Sara will make sure they know their way around a horse and Uncle Will can show them all about cars. Your children will enjoy spending time each summer with their grandparents, playing in their pool. And each summer we will also spend time at our favorite beach. 

Your child will have parents that know what a precious gift we were given and can’t ever repay. As someone that has longed to be a mother and felt the sting of my body failing me, what you’re doing for us is something that goes far beyond a thank you. We’ve waited for so long and when we came to the decision that we wanted to adopt it’s like a light turned on. This is where we are supposed to be, this has been our path all along. It just took us this long to figure it out. 

It’s so easy to look at someone’s life and say they have it easy or they have what you want, but no one has the perfect life. We will do our best to provide a life for your child where they know respect, love, and the value of time and money. We will encourage them to have relationships with their extended families as we’ve had. They will have a bond with their grandparents and enjoy spending time with them. We will take trips and vacations with cousins and family. Your child will know that they are loved by all the people around them and especially by the person that carried them and personally chose us to be their parents. 

Kimberly and Patrick


Contact Patrick & Kimberly

  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Lisa, our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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