Dear Birth Mother,
We are extremely humbled by and grateful to you. We cannot imagine the possible pain, fear and uncertainty you might be having with such a heavy decision. Although, we will never fully understand, we promise to never let our hearts forget what we know of the difficult path you’ve traveled before we reached this point of meeting. We believe you are truly offering the greatest gift, your baby. We hope with all our beings to be chosen to be the family you choose to receive this gift. We are in awe of your strength and resolve as you choose a family to love and support your baby. We know we can be the loving, supporting family you are searching for your baby.
We want to help give you a picture of the life we’ll provide your baby. Your baby would be surrounded by a loving family. We promise to be the most doting and involved parents. As we have anxiously waited many years for the opportunity to be parents, we have no shortage of love that we’re ready to pour onto your infant. We also live closely to some of our extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins) that are bubbling over with excitement and anticipation of surrounding your baby with a community of support, love and celebration. Your baby will always have cheerleaders present to witness their achievements as they go through life whether it be a preschool graduation, swimming across the pool for the first time or singing in their school choir. We will always be there and show up for them.
Our home is a two-story 1950s brick rambler with four bedrooms and two baths. We fell in love with this home for quite a few reasons but highest on the list was the basement with a playroom and the fenced in backyard with a playhouse, garden, hammock and fire pit for roasting s’mores. We love to entertain and have our family over frequently for dinner. The playroom and backyard are currently most loved by our nieces and nephews, but we know your baby would quickly be involved in their playtime and enjoy all the space and toys right alongside these built-in best friends. Your baby will have a bedroom right next to ours. We plan to set this room up as a calm, soothing and neutral space that will allow us to prepare for and settle down from the day together. A rocking chair for snuggles and a shelf full of books for reading together will be the main attraction in their room.
Along with our family and friends, your baby will also have the companionship of our dog, Pebbles. She is a Goldendoodle (30lbs) who is turning six this summer. She is the most loyal and tenderhearted dog. She quickly comes to anyone’s side when she senses they’re upset and need some kisses. Pebbles especially loves playing alongside children, she gets so excited when they throw the ball to fetch or dig through her toy basket with her squeaking all the toys. We enjoy taking her on long walks around our neighborhood. There are many sidewalks, and we know your baby in their stroller will be the perfect addition to these evening strolls around the neighborhood.
We have been together as a couple for almost ten years now. We were married in 2016 in Erica’s parent’s backyard surrounded by our closest family and friends. Over the course of our relationship, we have always bonded over sharing our dreams for the future. The most important dream we have yet to make come true is having our own family. Your baby would make this long talked about dream a reality. Adoption has always been something we considered, even in the beginnings of our relationship. Now that we have struggled with infertility for over six years, we have thankfully found ourselves in a financial place that we can move forward with starting our family through adoption.
We would raise your baby in a home filled with laughter and joy. We would join our community pool in the summer for swim lessons and eventually join the swim team. We will explore all the local parks to discover which your baby likes best. We will have pizza, popcorn and movie nights on Thursday where we all cuddle on the couch for the newest family flick. We cannot wait to plan vacations to the beach and Disney world.
We know we were designed for parenthood, and we appreciate your thoughtful and deliberate decisions to choose the best family for your baby. Please know we are grateful to you and hope to meet you soon!
Erica and Christopher