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Jason and Liana

We are Jason and Liana from Vermont

Stay-At-Home Parent? Part-Time

Adopted Children at home? No

Biological Children at Home? No

Pets? Yes

Gender Preference? Either

Ethnic Preferences? All Races/Ethnicities


Occupation: V.P. Data Science

Education: MS, MSc

Religion: Nonpracticing

Hobbies: Reading, Music, Cooking, Outdoors


Occupation: Social Worker

Education: MSW

Religion: Nonpracticing

Hobbies: Travel, Reading, Hiking, Yoga, Baking


We are so pleased to “meet” you and are honored that you are considering us as possible parents for your baby. We cannot begin to understand what you are going through, and what a difficult decision this must be. We are in awe of your strength and bravery, and admire who you are as a person and as an expectant mother. 

If you choose us to parent your baby, we can promise you that they will be loved unconditionally, respected for whomever they become, at every stage of their development, and will be cared for thoughtfully and intentionally. They will grow up in a loving home, surrounded by extended family and friends. They will be read to and sung to and held and cuddled. They will be listened to, their feelings will be acknowledged, and they will be comforted and reassured when they feel uncertain. They will have parents with a solid foundation, who love each other, and are deeply committed to one another.

If we are chosen to parent your baby, he or she will know where they came from. Their birth story and adoption story will be told to them with pride from the very beginning, so they always know the story of their birth, who you are, and how they became a part of our family. They will learn that they will always have two families, their family of origin and their family of experience. 

We have always known that we wanted to be parents and chose to wait until we were as “ready” as possible. We wanted to be at a point in our lives where we could be present and available for the demands and commitment of parenthood. We wanted to wait until we were established in our careers, financially stable, and had a home with enough space in a community with a good support system. We agreed not to initiate the adoption process until we reached this point in our lives. We feel we have, and are ready to welcome your baby into our lives. 

We would very much like you to be a part of our lives and a part of your baby’s life. We would like to share pictures and updates and to have open communication so your child will know you, and you will know them as they grow. We would love for regular visits to be part of an ongoing relationship between our families. This being said, we understand this may not feel comfortable for you, and will always respect your boundaries, and what is best for you, and your baby’s well being.


Contact Jason & Liana

  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Lisa, our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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