If you are reading this letter, you are considering one of the biggest decisions of your child’s life: adoption. This thoughtful act shows that you truly care for this child’s future and their potential as a person. Thank you!
If you choose adoption, you will face another hard decision: Which family would be best for your child? We hope you can see your child’s future in our family and would love you to choose us!
We are a fun-loving family of four who enjoys the small moments in life at home and the occasions where we can travel together with our extended family. We grew up in big cities with diverse groups of friends, Mike in Tennessee and Denise in California, before meeting in college in the Midwest. We married soon after in 2012 and have since built a financially stable home while raising our two biological children Ellie (4) and Tori (2). We have always planned for our third child to be adopted, and since we have two wonderful girls already, having a boy to grow up with would be such a great balance both for them and for him. We dream about them learning from each other and forming an incredible brother-sisters bond.
Ellie is a natural caregiver who dearly loves playing “mom” to her dolls and reading to her little sister. Tori is free-spirited in nature; she loves to sing and dance along to pop tunes with her big sister. Most importantly, they are kind-hearted to each other when it counts – even to our two senior dogs Delta (Beagle mix) and Dyna (Corgi). They would be amazing older sisters and we can’t wait to see their faces when we welcome their new baby brother. They will love him so much!
As parents, we are committed to creating as many happy memories for our family as we can by building a solid foundation of respect for each other’s strengths. Recently with COVID, Mike works from home as an engineering leader for a large company and is often able to be flexible with his time to spend with the girls. He is currently the coach for Ellie’s Under-5 city soccer team! Denise recently paused her career working as an engineer at the same company to stay at home with our kids. She is often driving the kids to swim classes and tennis lessons, or playing art and school at home.
Ultimately, we are a team in everything we do and we can’t wait to add a new baby boy into our close-knit family. Typically on weeknights, we take walks around our neighborhood or have a family movie night and on weekends we try to squeeze in day trips to the playground or local events. Most often than not, we routinely have family meals together and have our nightly family reading time before bed. Currently, the books most requested by the girls are “The Hobbit” and “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?”. Your baby will have lots of favorite books to choose from!
We want to provide our kids with all the opportunities to be physically active, enjoy music and art, succeed academically, and most importantly, be kind people. Since we believe education is a great foundation, your child would receive all the same financial and emotional support to pursue as much education as they desire, including college and beyond.
Your child would receive unconditional love from us as an equal member of our family unit and would be equally loved and accepted by our extended family. We both have extended family members from domestic and international adoptions so we see no stigma attached to it and we’ve seen firsthand how great adoption can be.
Mike’s parents only live a few hours away and visit often. In a few years, they have plans to move to our city when Mike’s father retires from his career as a pediatrician. Denise’s parents live farther away which allows us to plan longer trips over Thanksgiving and Christmas to get together at beaches, Disney theme parks, and National Parks. She also has extended family in Hawaii, so we are looking forward to the time when all three of the kids are old enough to travel and have a memorable visit with their extended family!
As for the relationship that we would continue to have with you, we are open to understanding your ideal communication needs in sharing their life with you. What you are doing is a very courageous act of love and we want to provide you with a peace of mind that your child is going to have a wonderful life with us. Your child will be so loved in our family. We can’t wait!
With love for you and your child,
Mike and Denise (& Ellie and Tori)