I would like to start off by saying I cannot begin to understand what you are going through and I can never express how heroic and courageous I believe you are for choosing the path of adoption for your child. This cannot be an easy choice, but it is my sincere wish to let you know I am here to help make it a little easier.
How can I do that you may ask? Well by assuring you that if I am lucky and blessed enough to be chosen as the forever home for your child, that they will be loved beyond measure. Your child will be entering a home that is filled with love and laughter. One that values family and friends, togetherness and being thoughtful and kind. I will be their champion, an ear for all of their troubles, their friend, spiritual guide and their teacher. I will love them unconditionally.
I have always wanted to be a father, for as long as I can remember. Being around children has been such a huge part of my life; whether it’s babysitting my friends' kids, moving to another state for over a month to care for my best friend’s newborn baby while he and his wife were training for a job, or babysitting for and spending time with my nieces and nephews. My desire for a child/to become a father has grown.
I want to be able to show your child the love that I was shown growing up. I was always close with my family and that is something that has not changed. My family is medium-large. I have four siblings; one biological brother and three step. I also have three nephews and two nieces, all who are very excited to meet your little one and have a new baby cousin to play with.
While some of us all live in different states, we make it a point to see each other many times a year, especially at Christmas when we are always all together. We all get along and have a deep bond/love that transcends distance. They all are excited to meet your baby and welcome them into our family.
I have friends who are as close as family to me, and their kids call me uncle. I enjoy spending time with them, and they are also excited for there to be a little one around to shower with love and to play with. We love to play board games together and have a tradition of going to Walt Disney World every 2-3 years. Something I cannot wait to share with your child.
In closure, from the depths of my heart, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for getting to know a small part of me. I know you have read or will read many profiles, but I believe you chose this one for a reason. I have a lot of love to share and would love to be able to share it with your child. Thank you for considering me.