Dear Expectant Mother,
How do we convey in one letter the feelings, hopes, aspirations, and love we will have for your child? How do we tell our story and express our underlining admiration for you? Here we go! Woman to woman and mother to mother I (Brittany) want you to know that your decision, feelings, and courage are a testament to the love you have for your child. You are an individual of strength and conviction. Regardless, of what family you choose for your child we want you to remember that you are very much a part of that little boy or little girl’s composition. You will not be erased nor forgotten. You are there with them and they will know how great your love for them is. We want you to know that you have made a difference in the life of your child.
We were married on New Year’s Eve 2016. We started our marriage ringing in the New Year with family and friends. Our story was unique in the fact that many years prior in 2011, Brittany was hired by Chad to operate an online college. We spent years working, collaborating, and building a school that assisted non-traditional students in earning their degrees. We started our school with 0 students, and now, have a student body of 400 students. Through the years of working together, we developed a strong friendship, mutual respect, and admiration for each other’s standards and work ethic.
When we became a couple the foundation had been laid. It was paved with bricks of unilateral goals, values, and love. Brittany can remember walking down the aisle, and everyone and everything disappeared. It was just the two of us. We changed each other’s lives. We work together, live together, and are happily married. You may ask, “How can two people spend so much time together?” We would wonder the same thing . . . We’ve never known anything different and however corny this may seem we are simply each other’s halves.
We both knew we wanted a family. The route of conceiving was not easy, it was just not working. We knew prior to our reproductive challenges that we wanted to adopt. It was written in our hearts. Our adopted son Givanni was born in 2018 and we fell in love. We knew that adoption was our path to expand our family. There has not been one day since his birth we have not treasured every moment. This includes the sleepless nights of teething, the spit up, and the fussy moments where we spent hours walking and bouncing so he could fall asleep. Each moment from day 1 was a blessing.
So, why would we be great parents? Your child will be so loved. They would enter a home that surrounded their every need and future aspiration with encouragement, time, and two individuals who would give them all they had. We would invest every fiber of who we are into their life. We would be the type of parents who would treasure every moment. We would be the ‘read before bed, piggybacks, rock me to sleep mommy and daddy, a million I love you’s type of parents.
We want your child to grow up strong, confident, and assured that they were and are so loved by not only us but by you. We want your child to follow their heart and be guided through their character. We want them to be bold to pursue their dreams regardless of the cost. We want them to take the road less traveled and embrace each new experience because they were raised with unwavering support. We want them to have faith when that road gets rocky because they were raised to believe in the future. We want them to chase their professional pursuits with obtaining their education because they were raised in a home where education was reinforced and repetition was present. We want them to be able to have the assurance to make their decision but know that we are always behind them if they falter.
Just like you, we want to deliver the sun and the moon to your child. We will do all that is in our power to assist them in every walk of life and reinforce them shooting for the stars. We appreciate you reading our letter. If we are not the couple you choose, we want you to still know that you are one of the bravest individuals we have met. Thank you for considering our family.
Brittany and Chad