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Adoptive Parent Screening Process

It’s really important that the family you choose is what they appear to be. You need to be assured that they are responsible people with good morals and a solid life. We agree, and we want you to place your baby with the best possible family. Adoptive families are hand-picked by us for you to choose from. All families who want to adopt a child must go through a rigorous process called the Home Study.

When they first approach us, adopting parents are interviewed and educated on the adoption process. We ensure that they know what open adoption is, and how it works. We ask a series of questions to ensure that they are ready for the process. Before they officially come on board, adopting parents speak with one of our attorneys to once again make sure that they understand what they are taking on. Then the Home Study process begins.

Home Studies are performed by licensed Social Workers through agencies that are licensed by the state. A Home Study screens specific areas over a series of home visits. Some of these areas that will be evaluated are: “Will the child have a suitable room?” “Will they be living in a safe, childproof environment which poses no risks to them?” “How will the child fit in culturally?”

The home study doesn’t just evaluate the home’s physical safety, but the life that your child would have inside the home. Aside from the home visits, the evaluating team will meet with the Adoptive Couple over a series of interviews and ask them questions pertaining to their childhood, parenting styles, and details about their emotional and physical well-being. The evaluator will even discuss their marital health and what their motivations to adopt are to ensure that your baby will be in a happy and healthy home. They will also have to pass a thorough background check to ensure their suitability to parent.

Background checks even delve into adoptive couples’ extended family, employment history, education and certification history. Every aspect of the adoptive family’s life is considered to ensure that your child will be in a positive environment where he or she can thrive. Families are also often required to attend parenting meetings and seminars where they can prepare for the blessing of raising your baby and adding to their family.


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Courageous Choice provides services pursuant to the direction of an adoption attorney
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